In a low-level function that is called many times, I need to do the equivalent of python\'s list.index, but with a numpy array. The function needs to return when it finds the f
You can code it in Cython and just import from a Python script. There is no need to migrate your entire project into Cython.
# paste into: indexing.pyx
def index(long[:] lst, long value):
cdef int i
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst[i] == value:
return i
raise ValueError
# import in your .py code
import pyximport
from indexing import index
# example
from numpy import zeros
a = zeros(10**6, int)
a[-1] = 1
index(a, 1)
Wall time: 6.07 ms
index(a, 0)
Wall time: 38.1 µs