Faster 16bit multiplication algorithm for 8-bit MCU

前端 未结 6 1450
没有蜡笔的小新 2021-02-12 11:27

I\'m searching for an algorithm to multiply two integer numbers that is better than the one below. Do you have a good idea about that? (The MCU - AT Tiny 84/85 or similar - wher

  •  梦谈多话
    2021-02-12 11:44

    A non-answer, tinyARM assembler (web doc) instead of C++ or C. I modified a pretty generic multiply-by-squares-lookup for speed (< 50 cycles excluding call&return overhead) at the cost of only fitting into AVRs with no less than 1KByte of RAM, using 512 aligned bytes for a table of the lower half of squares. At 20 MHz, that would nicely meet the 2 max 3 usec time limit still not showing up in the question proper - but Sergio Formiggini wanted 16 MHz. As of 2015/04, there is just one ATtiny from Atmel with that much RAM, and that is specified up to 8 MHz … (Rolling your "own" (e.g., from OpenCores) your FPGA probably has a bunch of fast multipliers (18×18 bits seems popular), if not processor cores.)
    For a stab at fast shift-and-add, have a look at shift and add, factor shifting left, unrolled 16×16→16 and/or improve on it (wiki post). (You might well create that community wiki answer begged for in the question.)

    .def    a0  = r16   ; factor low byte
    .def    a1  = r17
    #warning two warnings about preceding definitions of
    #warning  r16 and r17 are due and may as well be ignored
    .def    a   = r16   ; 8-bit factor
    .def    b   = r17   ; 8-bit factor ; or r18, rather?
    .def    b0  = r18   ; factor low byte
    .def    b1  = r19
    .def    p0  = r20   ; product low byte
    .def    p1  = r21
    ; "squares table" SqTab shall be two 512 Byte tables of
    ;  squares of 9-bit natural numbers, divided by 4
    ; Idea: exploit p = a * b = Squares[a+b] - Squares[a-b]
        ldi     r16, 0x73
        ldi     r17, 0xab
        ldi     r18, 23
        ldi     r19, 1
        ldi     r20, HIGH(SRAM_SIZE)
        cpi     r20, 2
        brsh    fillSqTable ; ATtiny 1634?
        rjmp    mpy16T16
        ldi     r20, SqTabH
        subi    r20, -2
        ldi     zh, SqTabH
        clr     zl
    ; generate sqares by adding up odd numbers starting at 1 += -1
        ldi     r22, 1
        clr     r23
        ser     r26
        ser     r27
        add     r22, r26
        adc     r23, r27
        adiw    r26, 2
        mov     r21, r23
        lsr     r21         ; get bits 9:2
        mov     r21, r22
        ror     r21
        lsr     r21
        bst     r23, 1
        bld     r21, 7
        st      z+, r21
        cp      zh, r20
        brne    fillLoop
        rjmp    mpy16F16
    ; assembly lines are marked up with cycle count
    ;  and (latest) start cycle in block.
    ; If first line in code block, the (latest) block start cycle
    ;  follows; else if last line, the (max) block cycle total
    ;* "mpy16F16" - 16x16->16 Bit Unsigned Multiplication
    ;*                        using table lookup
    ;* Sergio Formiggini special edition
    ;* Multiplies  two 16-bit register values a1:a0 and b1:b0.
    ;* The result is placed in p1:p0.
    ;* Number of flash words: 318 + return = 
    ;*                       (40 + 256(flash table) + 22(RAM init))
    ;* Number of cycles     : 49 + return
    ;* Low  registers used  : None
    ;* High registers used  : 7+2 (a1:a0, b1:b0, p1:p0, sq;
    ;*                             + Z(r31:r30))
    ;* RAM bytes used       : 512 (squares table)
        ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   0   squares table>>1
        mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 1
        add     ZL, b0      ; 1 2       a0+b0
        rol     ZH          ; 1 3       9 bit offset
        ld      p0, Z       ; 2 4       a0+b0l          1
        lpm     p1, Z       ; 3 6   9   a0+b0h          2
        ldi     ZH, SqTabH  ; 1 0   9   squares table
        mov     ZL, a1      ; 1 0   10
        sub     ZL, b0      ; 1 1       a1-b0
        brcc    noNegF10    ; 1 2
        neg     ZL          ; 1 3
        ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a1-b0l          3
        sub     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7
        mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 0   17
        sub     ZL, b1      ; 1 1       a0-b1
        brcc    noNegF01    ; 1 2
        neg     ZL          ; 1 3
        ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0-b1l          4
        sub     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7
        mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 0   24
        sub     ZL, b0      ; 1 1       a0-b0
        brcc    noNegF00    ; 1 2
        neg     ZL          ; 1 3
        ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0-b0l          5
        sub     p0, sq      ; 1 6
        lpm     sq, Z       ; 3 7       a0-b0h          6*
        sbc     p1, sq      ; 1 10  11
        ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   35
        mov     ZL, a1      ; 1 1
        add     ZL, b0      ; 1 2       a1+b0
        rol     ZH          ; 1 3
        ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a1+b0l          7
        add     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7
        ldi     ZH, SqTabH>>1;1 0   42
        mov     ZL, a0      ; 1 1
        add     ZL, b1      ; 1 2       a0+b1
        rol     ZH          ; 1 3
        ld      sq, Z       ; 2 4       a0+b1l          8
        add     p1, sq      ; 1 6   7
        ret                 ;       49
    .org 256; words?!
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    ; word addresses, again?!
    .equ SqTabH = (high(SqTableH) << 1)
    RAMTab .BYTE 512
