In Visual Studio, is there a keyboard shortcut to navigate (move cursor) to the last edited position (like PyCharm\'s Ctrl+Shift+Backspace
This shortcut was added in VS2017 version 15.8:
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
It's near impossible to find via google, I just stumbled across it when reading the VS news and release notes.
Go To Last Edited Location
We all know the feeling of starting to write a feature and then realizing we need some more information from elsewhere in the solution. So, we open another file from Solution Explorer or Go to Definition in a few places and suddenly, we’re far off from where we started with no easy way back unless you remember the name of file you were working in originally. In Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8, you can now go back to your last edited location via Edit > Go To > Go To Last Edit Location (Ctrl + Shift + Backspace).