I\'ve read quite a few posts that are very similar to the question I\'m about to ask, but I just wanted to be sure that there wasn\'t a more sophisticated way to do this. Any f
This is something I've used on my recent Wordpress project
Make a function functions.php
function get_template_partial($name, $parameters) {
// Path to templates
$_dir = get_template_directory() . '/partials/';
// Unless you like writing file extensions
include( $_dir . $name . '.php' );
Get parameters in cards-block.php
// $parameters is within the function scope
$args = array(
'post_type' => $parameters['query'],
'posts_per_page' => 4
Call the template index.php
get_template_partial('cards-block', array(
'query' => 'tf_events'
For example, the total count of posts that were displayed:
Change functions.php
to this:
function get_template_partial($name, $parameters) {
// Path to templates
$_dir = get_template_directory() . '/partials/';
// Unless you like writing file extensions
include( $_dir . $name . '.php' );
return $callback;
Change cards-block.php
to this:
// $parameters is within the function scope
$args = array(
'post_type' => $parameters['query'],
'posts_per_page' => 4
$callback = array(
'count' => 3 // Example
Change index.php
to this:
$cardsBlock = get_template_partial('cards-block', array(
'query' => 'tf_events'
echo 'Count: ' . $cardsBlock['count'];