I have subclassed NSMenu
and connected a bunch of NSMenuItem
\'s via Interface Builder. I have tested via the debugger to see that they really get initi
Swift 3 answer:
I have a submenu item under the standard "View" menu called "Enable System Setup On Launch". I use the function below to enable or disable the menu item. Note: the view menu does need the "Auto Enable Items" in IB to be turned off.
func enableSystemSetupMenuItem(enabled:Bool) {
//set view menu item to enabled: value
//requires "Auto Enable Items" of "View" menu item to be turned off in IB
//because "View" menu is now turned off for "Auto Enable" we have to handle all
//of the "View" menu items ourselves
//just to avoid operating on menu separators I set all other menu items to TAG = -1
let main = NSApplication.shared().menu?.item(withTitle: "View")
let subMenuItems = main?.submenu?.items
for item in subMenuItems! {
if item.title == "Enable System Setup On Launch" {
item.isEnabled = enabled
} else if item.tag == -1 {
item.isEnabled = true