I want to overwrite/reuse the existing output directory when I run my Hadoop job daily. Actually the output directory will store summarized output of each day\'s job run results
I had a similar use case, I use MultipleOutputs
to resolve this.
For example, if I want different MapReduce jobs to write to the same directory /outputDir/
. Job 1 writes to /outputDir/job1-part1.txt
, job 2 writes to /outputDir/job1-part2.txt
(without deleting exiting files).
In the main, set the output directory to a random one (it can be deleted before a new job runs)
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path("/randomPath"));
In the reducer/mapper, use MultipleOutputs
and set the writer to write to the desired directory:
public void setup(Context context) {
MultipleOutputs mos = new MultipleOutputs(context);
mos.write(key, value, "/outputDir/fileOfJobX.txt")
However, my use case was a bit complicated than that. If it's just to write to the same flat directory, you can write to a different directory and runs a script to migrate the files, like: hadoop fs -mv /tmp/* /outputDir
In my use case, each MapReduce job writes to different sub-directories based on the value of the message being writing. The directory structure can be multi-layered like:
Each Mapreduce job can write to thousands of sub-directories. And the cost of writing to a tmp dir and moving each files to the correct directory is high.