Is it possible to search for code or text in GitLab inside of files? I can search for files, issues, milestones, etc., but could not find a way to search for code in source file
Alternatively you can use the python-gitlab library to search text in the projects that you need:
import gitlab
def search(gitlab_server, token, file_filter, text, group=None, project_filter=None):
return_value = []
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(gitlab_server, private_token=token)
if (project_filter == '') and (group == ''):
projects = gl.projects.list(all=True)
projects = gl.projects.list(search=project_filter, group=group)
for project in projects:
files = []
files = project.repository_tree(recursive=True, all=True)
except Exception as e:
print(str(e), "Error getting tree in project:",
for file in files:
if file_filter == file['name']:
file_content = project.files.raw(file_path=file['path'], ref='master')
if text in str(file_content):
"file": file['path']
return return_value
Complete example can be found here: gitlab-search