I\'m trying to run a one-off command to initialise a database schema in a new docker swarm which is deployed with 1.13\'s new support for docker-compose files.
The swarm
Using composer
Since composer v3.2 it is possible to configure the attachable property through the composer file using the keyword attachable like:
driver: overlay
attachable: true
Using docker network create
Since Docker Engine API v1.25 it is possible to create a network and make it attachable using the --attachable parameter like:
docker network create --driver overlay --attachable my-overlay-network
To update an already running docker service:
Create an attachable overlay network:
docker network create --driver overlay --attachable my-attachable-overlay-network
Remove the network stack with a disabled "attachable" overlay network (in this example called: my-non-attachable-overlay-network
docker service update --network-rm my-non-attachable-overlay-network myservice
Add the network stack with an enabled "attachable" overlay network:
docker service update --network-add my-attachable-overlay-network myservice