I have an elixir project with a defined version. How can I access this from within the running application.
in mix.exs
def project do
[app: :my_app
I found the version inside of :application.which_applications
, but it requires some parsing:
defmodule AppHelper do
@spec app_version(atom) :: {integer, integer, integer}
def app_version(target_app) do
|> Enum.filter(fn({app, _, _}) ->
app == target_app
|> get_app_vsn
# I use a sensible fallback when we can't find the app,
# you could omit the first signature and just crash when the app DNE.
defp get_app_vsn([]), do: {0,0,0}
defp get_app_vsn([{_app, _desc, vsn}]) do
[maj, min, rev] = vsn
|> List.to_string
|> String.split(".")
|> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1)
{maj, min, rev}
And then for usage:
iex(1)> AppHelper.app_version(:logger)
{1, 0, 5}
As always, there's probably a better way.