After reading a couple of tutorials on Haskell state monads I wanted to try them out myself. The tutorials I read claim that the Control.Monad.State provide the following defini
I am working through Learn You A Haskell (LYAH), and I thought that I would post the working version of the example code found at (Chapter 13, Section "Tasteful stateful computations")
The code that no longer works:
import Control.Monad.State
pop :: State Stack Int
pop = State $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)
push :: Int -> State Stack ()
push a = State $ \xs -> ((),a:xs)
The code modified to work:
import Control.Monad.State
pop :: State Stack Int
-- note the change from "State" to "state"
pop = state $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)
push :: Int -> State Stack ()
push a = state $ \xs -> ((), a:xs)
The "stackManip" function works as is:
stackManip :: State Stack Int
stackManip = do
push 3
a <- pop