This is very similar to this question on how to add class to select2 element, however the answers there appear to target earlier versions of the framework which has undergone so
Select2 will store all the information it uses on the original select element. You can access the following information by calling .data('select2')
on the original element:
From there, you can access the $container
property to identify the container in the DOM and add the class to that like this:
var $select2 = $('select.select2').select2()
var $select2 = $('select.select2').select2()
body .select2.narrow {
width: 200px;
body .wrap .select2-selection--single {
height: 100%;
body .select2-container.wrap .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered {
word-wrap: break-word;
text-overflow: inherit;
white-space: normal;