Often I will end up with very complex SQL statements and I wondered if there was style guideline out there that dictates a common way of laying various aspects of a query out.>
Kickstarter has a style guide here. I have a modified version of that for people who prefer lowercase SQL and Celko's "river".
My style guide is here. Here is a sample:
-- basic select example
select p.Name as ProductName
, p.ProductNumber
, pm.Name as ProductModelName
, p.Color
, p.ListPrice
from Production.Product as p
join Production.ProductModel as pm
on p.ProductModelID = pm.ProductModelID
where p.Color in ('Blue', 'Red')
and p.ListPrice < 800.00
and pm.Name like '%frame%'
order by p.Name
-- basic insert example
insert into Sales.Currency (
values (
-- basic update example
update p
set p.ListPrice = p.ListPrice * 1.05
, p.ModifiedDate = getutcdate()
from Production.Product as p
where p.SellEndDate is null
and p.SellStartDate is not null
-- basic delete example
delete cc
from Sales.CreditCard as cc
where cc.ExpYear < '2003'
and cc.ModifiedDate < dateadd(year, -1, getutcdate())