If your Azure Devops project only tracks code versions using a single Git repo, hence no boards, user stories, tasks, pipelines, etc. then you can do the following:
- Clone your project repo.
- For example with Visual Studio.
- You don't need to clone if you already have a local repo.
- Destroy the association with the remote.
- For this typically, you need to open a command line prompt in the folder that contains the
database folder, most likely the solution folder of Visual Studio and type git remote rm origin
- Here is an example using git bash showing the content of the solution folder, including the
database and the *.sln
Visual Studio solution file:
- Open the solution with Visual Studio if not already done.
- It should now show that you have many commits waiting to be pushed to a remote. For illustration purpose, my toy project only have 8 commits in total.
- Click the up arrow and choose your new remote, say a brand new Azure DevOps project, in the organization of your choice, then push.
- You are now done cloning the project in another organization. If needed, then destroy the project in the old organization to complete the "move" operation.