Interleave different length lists, elimating duplicates, and preserve order

后端 未结 6 2243
青春惊慌失措 2021-02-11 22:00

I have two lists, let\'s say:

keys1 = [\'A\', \'B\', \'C\', \'D\', \'E\',           \'H\', \'I\']
keys2 = [\'A\', \'B\',           \'E\', \'F\', \'G\', \'H\',            

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-11 22:44

    By using only lists, you can achieve this with few simple for loops and .copy():

    def mergeLists(list1, list2):
        # Exit if list2 is empty
        if not len(list2):
            return list1
        # Copy the content of list2 into merged list
        merged = list2.copy()
        # Create a list for storing temporary elements
        elements = []
        # Create a variable for storing previous element found in both lists
        previous = None
        # Loop through the elements of list1
        for e in list1:
            # Append the element to "elements" list if it's not in list2
            if e not in merged:
            # If it is in list2 (is a common element)
                # Loop through the stored elements
                for x in elements:
                    # Insert all the stored elements after the previous common element
                    merged.insert(previous and merged.index(previous) + 1 or 0, x)
                # Save new common element to previous
                previous = e
                # Empty temporary elements
                del elements[:]
        # If no more common elements were found but there are elements still stored
        if len(elements)
            # Insert them after the previous match
            for e in elements:
                merged.insert(previous and merged.index(previous) + 1 or 0, e)
        # Return the merged list
        return merged
    In [1]: keys1 = ["A", "B",      "D",      "F", "G", "H"]
    In [2]: keys2 = ["A",      "C", "D", "E", "F",      "H"]
    In [3]: mergeLists(keys1, keys2)
    Out[3]: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]

    English is not my first language, and this one is pretty hard to explain, but if you care about the explanation, here's what it does:

    • There's a local list called elements which can store temporary elements.
    • There's a local variable called previous which stores the previous element that was in both lists.
    • When ever it finds an element that is NOT in list2 but is in list1, it will append that element to elements list and continue the loop.
    • Once it hits an element that is in both lists, it loops through the elements list, appending all elements after previous element to list2.
    • The new match is then stored into previous and elements is reset to [] and the loop continues.
    • Beginning of the lists and end of the lists are counted as a common element, if first or last element is not a common element in both lists.

    This way it will always follow this format:

    1. Previous common element
    2. Elements from list1, between two common elements
    3. Elements in list2, between two common elements
    4. New common element

    So for example:

    l1 = ["A", "B", "C",      "E"]
    l2 = ["A",           "D", "E"]
    1. The revious common element A will be first in the merged list.
    2. Elements from l1 between the previous common element A and the new common element E will be inserted right after A.
    3. Elements from l2 between the previous common elmeent A and the new common elmeent E will be inserted right after the elements from l1.
    4. The new common element E will be last element.
    5. Back to step 1 if more common elements found.

      ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
