This question concerns a general unit test technique with a potentially very useful wide range of applicable scenarios. But it is easier to understand with an example to illustr
Using VS 2010 I am not seeing the same behavior as you are. When I copied your 2 classes into a test project and compiled it I got the output:
UTA004: Illegal use of attribute...The TestMethodAttribute can be
defined only inside a class marked with the TestClass attribute
So I marked EqualsFixutureBase:
public abstract class EqualsFixtureBase
Now it compiles without warning and when I select run tests for ExampleOfAnEqualsTestFixture it runs Foo and all 5 of the inherited equals tests. Also when I copy the ExampleOfAnEqualsTestFixture and use it for int and run the tests for the solution I see all 5 inherited tests running (and passing) for the example string class and the example int class.
Are you doing something in addition to your example which might be causing your problem?