The form html and submit event is part of the \"renderer\". The submitted data should be available in the main process. What\'s the proper way to submit the form and make that d
We use a service (Angular) to process form data in a window. Then notify the remote
, if needed.
From your renderer
you can send data to the ipc
, then in your main.js
you catch this event and the passed form data:
// renderer.js
let ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
ipcRenderer.send('submitForm', formData);
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
You can also send messages back to the renderer
from the main.js
Either sync:
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
event.returnValue = {"any": "value"};
Or async:
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
event.sender.send('formSubmissionResults', results);
// renderer.js
ipcRenderer.on('formSubmissionResults', function(event, args) {
let results = args.body;