I get this error:
Can\'t locate Foo.pm in @INC
Is there an easier way to install it than downloading, untarring, making, etc?
Otto made a good suggestion. This works for Debian too, as well as any other Debian derivative. The missing piece is what to do when apt-cache search doesn't find something.
$ sudo apt-get install dh-make-perl build-essential apt-file
$ sudo apt-file update
Then whenever you have a random module you wish to install:
$ cd ~/some/path
$ dh-make-perl --build --cpan Some::Random::Module
$ sudo dpkg -i libsome-random-module-perl-0.01-1_i386.deb
This will give you a deb package that you can install to get Some::Random::Module. One of the big benefits here is man pages and sample scripts in addition to the module itself will be placed in your distro's location of choice. If the distro ever comes out with an official package for a newer version of Some::Random::Module, it will automatically be installed when you apt-get upgrade.