I\'m using React-router and it works fine while I\'m clicking on link buttons, but when I refresh my webpage it does not load what I want.
For instance, I am in
If you're hosting a react app via AWS Static S3 Hosting & CloudFront
This problem presented itself by CloudFront responding with a 403 Access Denied message because it expected /some/other/path to exist in my S3 folder, but that path only exists internally in React's routing with react-router.
The solution was to set up a distribution Error Pages rule. Go to the CloudFront settings and choose your distribution. Next go to the "Error Pages" tab. Click "Create Custom Error Response" and add an entry for 403 since that's the error status code we get. Set the Response Page Path to /index.html and the status code to 200. The end result astonishes me with its simplicity. The index page is served, but the URL is preserved in the browser, so once the react app loads, it detects the URL path and navigates to the desired route.
Error Pages 403 Rule