I am trying to summarize the count based on the all possible combinations of variables. Here is an example data:
As Robert stated, SUMMARY can be used to count combinations. A second SUMMARY can count the computed types. One difficulty is ignoring the combinations that involve a zero value. If they can be converted to missings the processing is much cleaner. Presuming zeros converted to missing, this code would count distinct combinations:
proc summary noprint data=have;
class v2-v4 s1;
output out=counts_eachCombo;
proc summary noprint data=counts_eachCombo(rename=_type_=combo_type);
class combo_type;
output out=counts_eachClassType;
You can see how the use of a CLASS variable in a combination determines the TYPE, and the class variables can be of mixed type (numeric, character)
A different 'home-grown' approach that does not use SUMMARY can use data step with LEXCOMB to compute each combination and SQL with into / separated to generate a SQL statement that will count each distinctly.
Note: The following code contains macro varListEval for resolving a SAS variable list to individual variable names.
%macro makeHave(n=,m=,maxval=&m*4,prob0=0.25);
data have;
do id = 1 to &n;
array v v1-v&m;
do over v;
if ranuni(123) < &prob0 then v = 0; else v = ceil(&maxval*ranuni(123));
s1 = byte(65+5*ranuni(123));
%makeHave (n=100,m=5,maxval=15)
%macro varListEval (data=, var=);
%* resolve a SAS variable list to individual variable names;
%local dsid dsid2 i name num;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data));
%if &dsid %then %do;
%let dsid2 = %sysfunc(open(&data(keep=&var)));
%if &dsid2 %then %do;
%do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nvar));
%let name = %sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&i));
%let num = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid2,&name));
%if &num %then "&NAME";
%let dsid2 = %sysfunc(close(&dsid2));
%let dsid = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
%macro combosUCounts(data=, var=);
%local vars n;
%let vars = %varListEval(data=&data, var=&var);
%let n = %eval(1 + %sysfunc(count(&vars,%str(" ")));
* compute combination selectors and criteria;
data combos;
array _names (&n) $32 (&vars);
array _combos (&n) $32;
array _comboCriterias (&n) $200;
length _selector $32000;
length _criteria $32000;
if 0 then set &data; %* prep PDV for vname;
do _k = 1 to &n;
do _j = 1 to comb(&n,_k);
_rc = lexcomb(_j,_k, of _names[*]);
do _p = 1 to _k;
_combos(_p) = _names(_p);
if vtypex(_names(_p)) = 'C'
then _comboCriterias(_p) = trim(_names(_p)) || " is not null and " || trim(_names(_p)) || " ne ''";
else _comboCriterias(_p) = trim(_names(_p)) || " is not null and " || trim(_names(_p)) || " ne 0";
_selector = catx(",", of _combos:);
_criteria = catx(" and ", of _comboCriterias:);
%local union;
proc sql noprint;
* generate SQL statement that uses combination selectors and criteria;
select "select "
|| quote(trim(_selector))
|| " as combo"
|| ", "
|| "count(*) as uCount from (select distinct "
|| trim(_selector)
|| " from &data where "
|| trim(_criteria)
|| ")"
into :union separated by " UNION "
from combos
* perform the generated SQL statement;
create table comboCounts as
/* %put union=%superq(union); */
options mprint nosymbolgen;
%combosUCounts(data=have, var=v2-v4);
%combosUCounts(data=have, var=v2-v4 s1);
%put NOTE: Done;
data _null_;
put %varListEval(data=have, var=v2-v4) ;