For delivery of our webshop, we need to calculate 5 working days from the current date in php.
Our working days are from monday to friday and we have several closing day
You can use the "while statement", looping until get enough 5 days. Each time looping get & check one next day is in the holiday list or not.
Here is the the example:
$holidayDates = array(
$count5WD = 0;
$temp = strtotime("2016-03-25 00:00:00"); //example as today is 2016-03-25
$next1WD = strtotime('+1 weekday', $temp);
$next1WDDate = date('Y-m-d', $next1WD);
if(!in_array($next1WDDate, $holidayDates)){
$temp = $next1WD;
$next5WD = date("Y-m-d", $temp);
echo $next5WD; //if today is 2016-03-25 then it will return 2016-04-06 as many days between are holidays