How do I unload (reload) a Python module?

后端 未结 20 2410
轮回少年 2020-11-21 05:20

I have a long-running Python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What\'s the best way do do this?


  •  既然无缘
    2020-11-21 05:35

    Edit (Answer V2)

    The solution from before is good for just getting the reset information, but it will not change all the references (more than reload but less then required). To actually set all the references as well, I had to go into the garbage collector, and rewrite the references there. Now it works like a charm!

    Note that this will not work if the GC is turned off, or if reloading data that's not monitored by the GC. If you don't want to mess with the GC, the original answer might be enough for you.

    New code:

    import importlib
    import inspect
    import gc
    from weakref import ref
    def reset_module(module, inner_modules_also=True):
        This function is a stronger form of importlib's `reload` function. What it does, is that aside from reloading a
        module, it goes to the old instance of the module, and sets all the (not read-only) attributes, functions and classes
        to be the reloaded-module's
        :param module: The module to reload (module reference, not the name)
        :param inner_modules_also: Whether to treat ths module as a package as well, and reload all the modules within it.
        # For the case when the module is actually a package
        if inner_modules_also:
            submods = {submod for _, submod in inspect.getmembers(module)
                       if (type(submod).__name__ == 'module') and (submod.__package__.startswith(module.__name__))}
            for submod in submods:
                reset_module(submod, True)
        # First, log all the references before reloading (because some references may be changed by the reload operation).
        module_tree = _get_tree_references_to_reset_recursively(module, module.__name__)
        new_module = importlib.reload(module)
        _reset_item_recursively(module, module_tree, new_module)
    def _update_referrers(item, new_item):
        refs = gc.get_referrers(item)
        weak_ref_item = ref(item)
        for coll in refs:
            if type(coll) == dict:
                enumerator = coll.keys()
            elif type(coll) == list:
                enumerator = range(len(coll))
            for key in enumerator:
                if weak_ref_item() is None:
                    # No refs are left in the GC
                if coll[key] is weak_ref_item():
                    coll[key] = new_item
    def _get_tree_references_to_reset_recursively(item, module_name, grayed_out_item_ids = None):
        if grayed_out_item_ids is None:
            grayed_out_item_ids = set()
        item_tree = dict()
        attr_names = set(dir(item)) - _readonly_attrs
        for sub_item_name in attr_names:
            sub_item = getattr(item, sub_item_name)
            item_tree[sub_item_name] = [sub_item, None]
                # Will work for classes and functions defined in that module.
                mod_name = sub_item.__module__
            except AttributeError:
                mod_name = None
            # If this item was defined within this module, deep-reset
            if (mod_name is None) or (mod_name != module_name) or (id(sub_item) in grayed_out_item_ids) \
                    or isinstance(sub_item, EnumMeta):
            item_tree[sub_item_name][1] = \
                _get_tree_references_to_reset_recursively(sub_item, module_name, grayed_out_item_ids)
        return item_tree
    def _reset_item_recursively(item, item_subtree, new_item):
        # Set children first so we don't lose the current references.
        if item_subtree is not None:
            for sub_item_name, (sub_item, sub_item_tree) in item_subtree.items():
                    new_sub_item = getattr(new_item, sub_item_name)
                except AttributeError:
                    # The item doesn't exist in the reloaded module. Ignore.
                    # Set the item
                    _reset_item_recursively(sub_item, sub_item_tree, new_sub_item)
                except Exception as ex:
        _update_referrers(item, new_item)

    Original Answer

    As written in @bobince's answer, if there's already a reference to that module in another module (especially if it was imported with the as keyword like import numpy as np), that instance will not be overwritten.

    This proved quite problematic to me when applying tests that required a "clean-slate" state of the configuration modules, so I've written a function named reset_module that uses importlib's reload function and recursively overwrites all the declared module's attributes. It has been tested with Python version 3.6.

    import importlib
    import inspect
    from enum import EnumMeta
    _readonly_attrs = {'__annotations__', '__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__', '__delattr__',
                   '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__func__', '__ge__', '__get__',
                   '__getattribute__', '__globals__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__',
                   '__kwdefaults__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__name__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__qualname__',
                   '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__self__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
                   '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '__members__', '__mro__', '__itemsize__', '__isabstractmethod__',
                   '__basicsize__', '__base__'}
    def reset_module(module, inner_modules_also=True):
        This function is a stronger form of importlib's `reload` function. What it does, is that aside from reloading a
        module, it goes to the old instance of the module, and sets all the (not read-only) attributes, functions and classes
        to be the reloaded-module's
        :param module: The module to reload (module reference, not the name)
        :param inner_modules_also: Whether to treat ths module as a package as well, and reload all the modules within it.
        new_module = importlib.reload(module)
        reset_items = set()
        # For the case when the module is actually a package
        if inner_modules_also:
            submods = {submod for _, submod in inspect.getmembers(module)
                       if (type(submod).__name__ == 'module') and (submod.__package__.startswith(module.__name__))}
            for submod in submods:
                reset_module(submod, True)
        _reset_item_recursively(module, new_module, module.__name__, reset_items)
    def _reset_item_recursively(item, new_item, module_name, reset_items=None):
        if reset_items is None:
            reset_items = set()
        attr_names = set(dir(item)) - _readonly_attrs
        for sitem_name in attr_names:
            sitem = getattr(item, sitem_name)
            new_sitem = getattr(new_item, sitem_name)
                # Set the item
                setattr(item, sitem_name, new_sitem)
                    # Will work for classes and functions defined in that module.
                    mod_name = sitem.__module__
                except AttributeError:
                    mod_name = None
                # If this item was defined within this module, deep-reset
                if (mod_name is None) or (mod_name != module_name) or (id(sitem) in reset_items) \
                        or isinstance(sitem, EnumMeta):  # Deal with enums
                _reset_item_recursively(sitem, new_sitem, module_name, reset_items)
            except Exception as ex:
                raise Exception(sitem_name) from ex

    Note: Use with care! Using these on non-peripheral modules (modules that define externally-used classes, for example) might lead to internal problems in Python (such as pickling/un-pickling issues).
