I developed a web application using Java and play framework in the BackEnd, and AngularJS in the FrontEnd.
I did an integration with the U.are.U SDK for fingerprint scan
I use this method to get a successful result, being m_fmdAuxiliar a variable which store the data from DB, I just save data then I retrieve.
m_fmd = m_engine.CreateFmd(cap_result.image, Fmd.Format.ANSI_378_2004);
data = m_fmd.getData();
Fmd m_fmdAuxiliar = UareUGlobal.GetImporter().ImportFmd(data, Fmd.Format.ANSI_378_2004, Fmd.Format.ANSI_378_2004);
Fmd m_fmd2 = m_engine.CreateFmd(cap_result.image, Fmd.Format.ANSI_378_2004);
m_score = m_engine.Compare(m_fmdAuxiliar, 0, m_fmd2, 0);