effectively I have a large 1D array of heights. As a small example consider:
and a 1D array, the same size as
You're better off with something more 3D oriented than matplotlib, in this case...
Here's a quick example using mayavi:
from enthought.mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
# Generate some random data along a straight line in the x-direction
num = 100
x = np.arange(num)
y, z = np.ones(num), np.ones(num)
s = np.cumsum(np.random.random(num) - 0.5)
# Plot using mayavi's mlab api
fig = mlab.figure()
# First we need to make a line source from our data
line = mlab.pipeline.line_source(x,y,z,s)
# Then we apply the "tube" filter to it, and vary the radius by "s"
tube = mlab.pipeline.tube(line, tube_sides=20, tube_radius=1.0)
tube.filter.vary_radius = 'vary_radius_by_scalar'
# Now we display the tube as a surface
# And finally visualize the result