Hey Im creating a jupyter notebook, would like to install:
https://github.com/voice32/stock_market_indicators/blob/master/indicators.py which is a python program
I got here searching for the same solution. Here is how I handled it through a Jupyter Terminal. I am using a Chromebook with Amazon SageMaker to host my Jupyter environment.
In the terminal, I used basic git commands (please excuse my mess)
I had a sqlite database file that was 300mb so I added it to my .gitignore file. I then uploaded the 300mb database directly to the same directory as my git clone using the upload function in Jupyter.
I found a cool Chrome Extension, Keep Awake, that allows your computer to sleep but maintain internet if that helps anyone. Now that git has been initiated and my 300mb sqlite database is on my AWS cloud computer I can code on my Chromebook anywhere and push/pull commits.
Hope this helps!