I have the following python code which almost works for me (I\'m SO close!). I have text file from one Shakespeare\'s plays that I\'m opening: Original text file:
You did have a couple logic error with your code. I fixed them, hope it helps.
fname = "stuff.txt"
fhand = open(fname)
AllWords = list() #create new list
ResultList = list() #create new results list I want to append words to
for line in fhand:
line.rstrip() #strip white space
words = line.split() #split lines of words and make list
AllWords.extend(words) #make the list from 4 lists to 1 list
AllWords.sort() #sort list
for word in AllWords: #for each word in line.split()
if word not in ResultList: #if a word isn't in line.split
ResultList.append(word) #append it.
Tested on Python 3.4, no importing.