I have a very simple Resource like this for my model \'Presentacion\'
class PresentacionResource(ModelResource):
If the issue is the X-CSRF token header you can modify the Backbone.sync like this to send a token with each POST, PUT, DELETE request.
/* alias away the sync method */
Backbone._sync = Backbone.sync;
/* define a new sync method */
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
/* only need a token for non-get requests */
if (method == 'create' || method == 'update' || method == 'delete') {
// CSRF token value is in an embedded meta tag
var csrfToken = $("meta[name='csrf_token']").attr('content');
options.beforeSend = function(xhr){
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', csrfToken);
/* proxy the call to the old sync method */
return Backbone._sync(method, model, options);