I have written below code using stanford nlp packages.
GenderAnnotator myGenderAnnotation = new GenderAnnotator();
There are a lot of approaches and one of them is outlined in nltk cookbook.
Basically you build a classifier that extract some features (first, last letter, first two, last two letters and so on) from a name and have a prediction based on these features.
import nltk
import random
def extract_features(name):
name = name.lower()
return {
'last_char': name[-1],
'last_two': name[-2:],
'last_three': name[-3:],
'first': name[0],
'first2': name[:1]
f_names = nltk.corpus.names.words('female.txt')
m_names = nltk.corpus.names.words('male.txt')
all_names = [(i, 'm') for i in m_names] + [(i, 'f') for i in f_names]
test_set = all_names[500:]
train_set= all_names[:500]
test_set_feat = [(extract_features(n), g) for n, g in test_set]
train_set_feat= [(extract_features(n), g) for n, g in train_set]
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_set_feat)
print nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set_feat)
This basic test gives you approximately 77% of accuracy.