I didn\'t find a way to perform optimize.minimize from scipy with a multidimensional function. In nearly all examples an analytical function is optimized while my function is in
First, to find global maximum (instead of minimum) you need to interpolate your function with opposite sign:
F2 = interp2d(x, y, -z)
Second, the callable in minimize
takes a tuple of arguments, and interp2d
object needs input coordinates to be given as separate positional arguments. Therefore, we cannot use interp2d
object in minimize
directly; we need a wrapper that will unpack a tuple of arguments from minimize
and feed it to interp2d
f = lambda x: F2(*x)
And third, to use minimize
you need to specify an initial guess for minimum (and bounds, in your case). Any reasonable point will do:
x0 = (2200, 12)
bounds = [(2000,3500),(10,50)]
print minimize(f, x0, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds)
This yields:
status: 0
success: True
njev: 43
nfev: 243
fun: array([-59.99999488])
x: array([ 2500.00002708, 24.99999931])
message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
jac: array([ 0.07000017, 1. , 0. ])
nit: 43