Ionic PWA deploy

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孤独总比滥情好 2021-02-11 02:38

I\'m trying to deploy a Progressive Web App version of my Ionic 2 project to Heroku but it doesn\'t seem to work. What I\'m trying is to use \"Ionic build browser --prod\" and

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-11 02:56

    An update, as i ran the same task today:

    It may be preferable to avoid

    • Adding and maintaining "server" code along with your app.
    • Pushing the built app (www/) in your version control system.

    You can rely just on the heroku buildpacks. To do that you would need two buildpacks:


    Your app will be detected first as node app and will build, and later as a static site and served.

    First, build the app up on heroku, don't add www to your version control system:

    The first buildpack will detect your app as node app, and run the build after the postbuild script.

    you need to add this line to you package.json scripts:

    "heroku-postbuild": "ionic build --prod"

    and add the ionic cli to your dev-dependencies so it can be available for heroku on the build process

    npm install ionic --save-dev

    Second, serve the static files generated:

    The second buildpack will serve the static files generated in www. For that you need to tell the buildpack how to serve the files with a static.json file: (this one is somewhat equivalent to the config for firebase in the ionic docs)


      "routes": {
        "/**": "index.html"
      "headers": {
        "ngsw-worker.js": {
          "Cache-Control": "no-cache"
        "/build/app/**": {
          "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=31536000"
      "root": "www/"

    Looks like the new Ionic doesn't generate the 'www/build/app/...' directory anymore, just added to be consistent with the above mentioned docs.

    Just those two changes, along with the buildpacks are enough to run the PWA on heroku / dokku
