I have just spent all day attempting to get NHibernate.Search working alongside NHibernate 2.0 and am sorry to say that I have still not managed it. I ran into the problem poste
In order to setup EventListeners, you need to add this code when initializing NHibernate:
NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration();
//Load configuration
//Add NHibernate.Search listeners
cfg.SetListener(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostUpdate, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
cfg.SetListener(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostInsert, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
cfg.SetListener(NHibernate.Event.ListenerType.PostDelete, new FullTextIndexEventListener());
var factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
Your web.config/app.config file must be changed in order to include the following:
NHibernate.Search.Store.FSDirectoryProvider, NHibernate.Search
And finally: when you create an ISession instance, remember to use this code in order to get an IFullTextSession instead.
IFullTextSession session = Search.CreateFullTextSession(factory.OpenSession());
This should work with Lucene 2.0 and NHibernate 2.0.