I want to code a litte utility that can print a page from a an URL, the URL would deliver a standard file (like a pdf or a jpg picture) and I just want to print this from within
You don't need to show the NSView
in order to print.
Just create the NSView
programmatically and pass it to the NSPrintOperation
Example code:
// Get Print Info
NSPrintInfo *printInfo = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo];
// Printing Text
NSRect textRect = NSMakeRect(0,0,100,50);
NSTextView *theTextView = [[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame:textRect];
[theTextView setString: @"Hello World"];
NSPrintOperation *textPrint = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:theTextView printInfo:printInfo];
[textPrint setCanSpawnSeparateThread:YES];
[textPrint runOperation];
// Printing Picture
NSImage *pic = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: @"/Users/Anne/Desktop/Sample.png"];
NSRect picRect = NSRectFromCGRect(CGRectMake(0, 0, pic.size.width, pic.size.height));
NSImageView *imageView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:picRect];
[imageView setImage:pic];
NSPrintOperation * picPrint = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:imageView printInfo:printInfo];
[picPrint setCanSpawnSeparateThread:YES];
[picPrint runOperation];
For PDF documents use PDFView
(add the Quartz framework).
You might also consider using WebView
(add the WebKit framework).
WebView supports many formats and makes formatting a breeze (HTML).