Trying get my head around the texture wrapper in (the awesome) LibGDX framework and I need help.
I would like to bind a texture (according to Mesh, Color & Texture)
Got it to work using the above explanation.
I can't believe so few are people are running asking this question as it seems like something that others would want to do.
From the accepted solution I created a function that also does the math for the new UV position.
Tested, and it works for me but please review as i'm not a java developer.
public Mesh RebuildMeshUVtoTextureRegion(Mesh ObjectMesh, TextureRegion UVMapPos)
int numFloats = ObjectMesh.getNumVertices() * ObjectMesh.getVertexSize() / 4;
float[] vertices = new float[numFloats];
int numIndices = ObjectMesh.getNumIndices();
short SourceIndices[] = new short[numIndices];
final int floatsPerVertex = 5;
int TimesToLoop = ((vertices.length) /floatsPerVertex);
float previousU;
float previousV;
float FullMapHeight = UVMapPos.getTexture().getHeight();
float FullMapWidth = UVMapPos.getTexture().getWidth();
float NewMapWidth = UVMapPos.getRegionWidth();
float NewMapHeight = UVMapPos.getRegionHeight();
float FullMapUPercent;
float FullMapVPercent;
for (int i = 0; i < TimesToLoop; i++)
previousU = (vertices[(i * floatsPerVertex) + 3]);
previousV = (vertices[(i * floatsPerVertex) + 4]);
FullMapUPercent = previousU / FullMapWidth;
FullMapVPercent = previousV / FullMapHeight;
vertices[(i * floatsPerVertex) + 3] = (NewMapWidth * FullMapUPercent) + UVMapPos.getU(); //New U
vertices[(i * floatsPerVertex) + 4] = (NewMapHeight * FullMapVPercent) + UVMapPos.getV();//New V
return ObjectMesh;