Which are the steps must I follow to implement a token authentication in my web page?
Any summary or links will be appreciated.
I want to implement similar to F
see your point.
On the protocol level a very simplistic token approach is HTTP Basic Authentication. But this often doesn't fit, as there is no logout function etc.
A custom, simple cookie based approach can for example look like this:
(needs more consideration of: httponly and secure flag, transport layer security, replay attacks etc)
Amazon S3 stores its authentication token in an HTTP Header and uses HMAC for calculating it. It's described here: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/index.html?S3_Authentication.html (Not necessarily recommended for using with a browser based web application)
If there is a book about REST anywhere near you, you may look if it has a chapter about authentication. Probably things are much nicer explained there than here :-)
There are some frameworks which are capable of doing this kind of authentication. For security reasons it would make sense to check them first before implementing your own stuff.