using Gitolite on a Ubuntu server. Have a project im working on that i need a particular syntax for the git command.
Works great:
git clone gitolite@serv
If the first version works, that means the public keys have been published under the account named 'gitolite
': ~gitolite/.ssh/authorized_keys
The permission issue you have encountered is described here: "Creating SSH keys for Gerrit and Hudson": note that all the parent directories of a .ssh shouldn't have write permission for group or other: /home
, /home/yourUser
, /home/yourUser/.ssh
Plus, you shouldn't ever clone a gitolite repo with the full path of the repo: servername/home/gitolite/repositories/testing.git
is wrong (and would by-pass gitolite completely).
is right.
From the gitolite V2 doc:
The following problem(s) indicate that your pubkey is bypassing gitolite and going straight to a shell
git clone git@server:repositories/reponame
(note presence ofrepositories/
in URL) works.[A proper gitolite key will only let you git clone
(note absence ofrepositories/