If I have:
import scala.concurrent._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
type Z = List[String]
type F[α] = Future[α]
type WT[α] = WriterT[F, Z, α]
implicit val z: Monoid
you should wrap your Future monad in the EitherT, sightly modifying your code. It would look like that:
type EFT[α] = EitherT[F, Throwable, α]
type WEFT[α] = WriterT[EFT, Z, α]
def bazA(): WEFT[Int] = WriterT.put[EFT, Z, Int](EitherT.right[F, Throwable, Int](f.point(18)))(z.zero)
def bar(): WEFT[Int] = for {
a <- bazA
b <- bazA
} yield a + b
You can also define lift functions (which lifts the value from one monad to your transformer) to avoid boilerplate.
def liftW[A](fa: Future[A]): WLET[A] = {
WriterT.put[MLT, Z, A](EitherT.right[Future, Throwable, A](fa))(z.zero)
def bbar(): WLET[Int] = for {
a ← liftW(6.point[F])
b ← liftW(6.point[F])
} yield a + b
I am sure that lift functions are present in scalaZ, but I am always struggling to find them, and it appears that sometimes these are easier to write yourself.