I have an MKMapView with several overlays. Works all just fine, and it\'s incredible how simple it works. There is, however, one thing I can\'t get to work. The idea is simple:
I suppose you have to add the MKOverlays as annotations also
[self.mapView addAnnotations:myOverlays];
Then return a MKAnnotationView in (mapView:viewForAnnotation) that's not hidden, either a graphic (tap-able) or zero alpha view. Next, add a UITapGestureRecognizer for each MKOverlayView, make sure it works with the map's gestures (UIGestureRecognizerDelegate implementation for simultaneous recognition). Finally when your gesture recognizer fires do this
[self.mapView setSelectedAnnotations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:myOverlayView.overlay]];
I'm not certain that this actually triggers the callOut showing though. Also make sure your return title and/or subtitle from your overlay object.