I\'m looking for a reliable, unsupervised way to detect change points in a relatively short vector. Consider the following two examples:
v1 = c(0.
So, this is a simple solution. You can modify the parameters to give you back different (more/fewer, sensitive/insensitive) inflection points (or areas, in the case of your data).
plot(v2, type="l", col="darkblue", lwd=2)
# v2 <- smooth(v2, kind="3") # optional
lines(v2, lwd=1, col="red")
d2 <- diff(v2)
d2 <- d2>0
d2 <- d2*2 -1
k <- 5
cutoff <- 10
scores <- sapply(k:(length(d2)-k), FUN=function(i){
score <- abs(mean(-d2[ i-1:k ], na.rm=T) + mean(d2[ i+0:k ], na.rm=T))
scores <- sapply(k:(length(v2)-k), FUN=function(i){
left <- (v2[sapply(i-1:k, max, 1) ]=cutoff]
plot(v2, type="l")
abline(v=inflections, col="red", lwd=3)
print(inflections) # 6 11 18 25 32 (missed 51, if you make cutoff=8 it'll catch it...)