I would like to get last build output in pipeline Jenkins job and attach in email (using emailext plugin). Curl works fine and gives proper build output but i can\'t store in va
It looks like you're missing the inner array and some double quotes and escaped double quotes for running the script:
sh([ script: "curl \"http://${jenkinsUser}:${jenkinsUserToken}@${jenkinsServer}:8080/job/myJob/lastBuild/consoleText\"").trim()
Also there are multiple ways to do shell scripts and it depends on the type of jenkins pipeline you are using.
In a jenkins declarative pipeline you need to include a script {...}
block for all script type code and setting variables, and that would look like this:
pipeline {
agent {
parameters {
environment {
stages {
stage('Run Required Scripts') {
steps {
script {
NOTIFIER_BULD_NAME = sh([script: "./getNotifier.sh", returnStdout: true]).trim()
EMAIL_TEXT = sh([script: "./printEmailText.sh ${CURRENT_BUILD} ${PREVIOUS_BUILD}", returnStdout: true]).trim()
BODY= sh([ script: "curl \"http://${jenkinsUser}:${jenkinsUserToken}@${jenkinsServer}:8080/job/myJob/lastBuild/consoleText\"").trim()
stage('Send Email') {
when {
expression {
// Only send when there is text.
"${EMAIL_TEXT}" != "";
emailext (
to: 'software@company.com',
subject: "You have mail - ${EMAIL_TEXT}",
attachLog: false
In a Jenkins scripted pipeline, you don't need a script{}
block, you can actually put it most places. Mostly I've put it in stage blocks stage('some stage'){...}
and I've done it like this:
V5_DIR = WORKSPACE + '/' + sh([script: "basename ${V5_GIT_URL} .git", returnStdout: true]).trim()
Although I've also used curl commands (for scripted pipelines) and didn't need the inner array...
lastSuccessfulCommit = sh(
script: "curl -sL --user ${JENKINS_API_USER}:${JENKINS_API_PSW} \"${lastSuccessfulCommitUrl}\" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g'",
returnStdout: true
And for reference, echoing vars looks like this in both
sh([script: "echo \"Value: ${someVariable}\""])
Hopefully this documentation helps a bit too, but I know recently Jenkins documentation can be pretty spotty, so I also found a great gist about how to not do things for Jenkins Declarative pipelines. Good luck!