I have a requirement to create custom exception for the exceptions generated by my app/module.
I would suggest you to move to Kohana 3.2 as there is a change in the way Kohana handles exception in that new stable version. Assuming you are going to use v3.2, this is how you could manage custom exceptions:
First of all, you need to modify bootstrap.php and make sure 'errors' is to true in the Kohana::init() call. This will make sure that Koahana will handle all unhandled exceptions thrown by you or the system. if you check \classes\kohana\core.php, Kohana registers its exception handler class Kohana_Exception using php call below
set_exception_handler(array('Kohana_Exception', 'handler'));
The default exception handler does a nice job of handling all types of Exceptions and writing the message to the log folder and displaying a basic error page. If you look inside Kohana_Exception, it is a subclass of Kohana_Kohana_Exception class, which is where the logic is written.
Now, to customize things:
If you are looking for just showing a custom page for showing your errors, just create a view named application/views/kohana/error.php and put your custom error page there. it will override the system's default error view file found at system/views/kohana/error.php.
If you are looking for changing the way you log the error or do some custom processing based on specific type of errors, you need to override Kohana_Exception class or register your own derived exception handler by calling set_exception_handler() at the end of bootstrap.php.
class Kohana_Exception extends Kohana_Kohana_Exception
* Overriden to show custom page for 404 errors
public static function handler(Exception $e)
switch (get_class($e))
case 'HTTP_Exception_404':
$response = new Response;
$view = new View('error/report_404');
$view->message = $e->getMessage();
echo $response->body($view)->send_headers()->body();
if (is_object(Kohana::$log))
// Add this exception to the log
Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $e);
// Make sure the logs are written
return TRUE;
return Kohana_Kohana_Exception::handler($e);
* Override if necessary. E.g. below include logged in user's info in the log
public static function text(Exception $e)
$id = ;
return sprintf('[user: %s] %s [ %s ]: %s ~ %s [ %d ]',
$id, get_class($e), $e->getCode(), strip_tags($e->getMessage()), Debug::path($e->getFile()), $e->getLine());
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