Below code allows the small red coloured rectangle to be dragged in an area which is a rectangle defined by minimum and maximum drag values.
I want it to go on only up t
So I found some time to provide the aforementioned smoother solution.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property int radius: 100
Rectangle {
id: circle
width: 2 * radius
height: 2 * radius
radius: root.radius
color: 'blue'
Rectangle {
id: mark
width: 20
height: 20
x: (dragObj.dragRadius <= root.radius ? dragObj.x : root.radius + ((dragObj.x - root.radius) * (root.radius / dragObj.dragRadius))) - 10
y: (dragObj.dragRadius <= root.radius ? dragObj.y : root.radius + ((dragObj.y - root.radius) * (root.radius / dragObj.dragRadius))) - 10
color: 'red'
MouseArea {
id: markArea
anchors.fill: parent dragObj
onPressed: {
dragObj.x = mark.x + 10
dragObj.y = mark.y + 10
Item {
id: dragObj
readonly property real dragRadius: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - root.radius, 2) + Math.pow(y - root.radius, 2))
x: root.radius
y: root.radius
onDragRadiusChanged: console.log(dragRadius)
I use the dragObj
to avoid the limitations of my dragging position. This spans a vector from the center of the circle. As long as the dragObj
itself is contained in the circle, I will use it's position as the position of the marker.
But once it leaves the circle, I will project the vector on the circle, so it will stay within the limits.
To ensure, that every drag starts again on the mark, I will reset the position of the dragObj
to the position of the mark, when ever the mouse is pressed again (precondition for a new drag-event)
Have fun with it.