I would like to exclude a directory from my SVN (I\'m using Xcode\'s built in SCM). It\'s not checked in but I\'m just tired of unselecting it from checkin.
Most of my S
As mentioned in this SO question (with answers about Xcode's SVN integration), you could still go with the "command-line".
See How to ignore a directory with SVN?
svn propset svn:ignore dirname .
You can see in this Paul Solt's blog entry an example of a new project, managed by XCode, but with a SVN ignore command
Make a project in
and then use Terminal and execute the commands. If you aren’t familar withSVN
check out the documentation.
svn add *
svn revert --recursive build
svn ps svn:ignore build .
svn ci
The commands:
- create a folder in your SVN repository.
- Next it checks out the remote repository folder into the local project folder and add all of the project files.
- Once the files are “added” you’ll want to remove the build directory and ignore it from your SVN repository.
- Lastly it’ll commit the changes and your project is in the repository.