I\'m using win32com.client to write data to an excel file. This takes too much time (the code below simulates the amount of data I want to update excel with, and it takes ~2 sec
used the range suggestion of the other answer, I wrote this:
def writeLineToExcel(wsh,line):
wsh.Range( "A1:"+chr(len(line)+96).upper()+"1").Value=line
xlApp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = 1
xlDoc = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("test.xlsx")
wsh = xlDoc.Sheets("Sheet1")
writeLineToExcel(wsh,[1, 2, 3, 4])
you may also write multiple lines at once:
def writeLinesToExcel(wsh,lines): # assume that all lines have the same length
wsh.Range( "A1:"+chr(len(lines)+96).upper()+str(len(lines[0]))).Value=lines
writeLinesToExcel(wsh,[ [1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10,11,12],