I\'m trying to make a webpage that allows the uploading of multiple files at the same times. I will limit the file extensions to the most common images like JPG, JPEG, PNG and G
If you have a reasonable maximum limit on the number of files, it's probably better to include that many file upload fields in the static form, then use the JavaScript to hide the superfluous ones, than to create them all dynamically. Then the form can still work when JavaScript is unavailable.
Side note: technically, single HTML file upload forms are already multiple file upload forms. According to the HTML form encoding standard, one should be able to select multiple files in the Browse dialogue box, and they'd be submitted as a multipart/mixed MIME structure.
However, almost nothing actually supports this. Older versions of Opera do on the client-side (and, I think, an ancient test browser of some sort, possibly Viola), and a few form-parsing components on the server-side, but not the PHP built-ins. In any case the UI is not very usable, so you're not missing much.