I have the service name for a windows service in delphi, and I know how to get the handle from that as well. What I need to do is stop a service, and if the stop fails for some
Or use DSiWin32 for many useful functions, including DSiGetProcessID. This code was written by StackOverflow user (and programmer) Gabr.
Here's the function, for your own reference. It will give you what you are looking for:
//Retrieves ID of the specified process. Requires Toolhelp API.
// @returns False if ID cannot be retrieved. Check GetLastError - if it is 0, process
// doesn't exist; otherwise it contains the Win32 error code.
// @author gabr
// @since 2004-02-12
function DSiGetProcessID(const processName: string; var processID: DWORD): boolean;
hSnapshot: THandle;
procEntry: TProcessEntry32;
Result := false;
hSnapshot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if hSnapshot = 0 then
procEntry.dwSize := Sizeof(procEntry);
if not Process32First(hSnapshot, procEntry) then
if AnsiSameText(procEntry.szExeFile, processName) then begin
processID := procEntry.th32ProcessID;
Result := true;
break; // repeat
until not Process32Next(hSnapshot, procEntry);
finally DSiCloseHandleAndNull(hSnapshot); end;
end; { DSiGetProcessID }