I have pulled data from json file. Now its displayed over DOM. On HTML Page, I have three option 1) Edit Data 2) Delete Particular Data & 3) Add New Data.
How to per
Here is my approach to this requirement. Let me know if any further improvement can be added. The entire code can be found at the below URL:
Angular Save, Update and Delete
The sample screenshots from the code can be found here...
'use strict';
function MainController($scope, SharedService, ngDialog) {
$scope.account_type_selected = "Savings";
$scope.sharedService = SharedService;
$scope.savingsMain = [];
$scope.checkingsMain = [];
$scope.addToCheckingsAccounts = {};
$scope.addToSavingsAccounts = {};
$scope.setAccountType = function (type) {
if (type === "allAccounts") {
$scope.showSavings = true;
$scope.showCheckings = true;
} else if (type === "savingsAccounts") {
$scope.showSavings = true;
$scope.showCheckings = false;
} else if (type === "checkingAccounts") {
$scope.showSavings = false;
$scope.showCheckings = true;
$scope.account_type_selected = type;
$scope.$watch('savingsMain', function ($scope) {
return $scope.savingsMain;
$scope.selectedAccountType = function (showAccount) {
if (showAccount === "Savings") {
$scope.sharedService.accountType = "Savings";
} else {
$scope.sharedService.accountType = "Checkings";
$scope.saveAccounts = function () {
if ($scope.sharedService.accountType === "Savings") {
$scope.addToSavingsAccounts = {
"account_type": $scope.sharedService.accountType,
"amount": $scope.sharedService.amount,
"date": $scope.sharedService.date,
"maturity": $scope.sharedService.maturity
$scope.showSavings = true;
} else {
$scope.addToCheckingsAccounts = {
"account_type": $scope.sharedService.accountType,
"amount": $scope.sharedService.amount,
"bic": $scope.sharedService.BIC,
"iban": $scope.sharedService.IBAN
$scope.showCheckings = true;
$scope.deleteDataFromSharedService = function (accountType, item) {
if (accountType === "Savings") {
$scope.savingsMain = _.without($scope.savingsMain, _.findWhere($scope.savingsMain, { date: item }));
} else if (accountType === "Checkings") {
$scope.checkingsMain = _.without($scope.checkingsMain, _.findWhere($scope.checkingsMain, { bic: item }));
$scope.closeDialog = function () {
$scope.accountTypeModel = [];
$scope.prop = {
"type": "select",
"name": "account_type",
"value": $scope.sharedService.accountType,
"accountTypeData": ["Savings", "Checkings"]