Consider the following code to parse a date. (Note that I\'m in the EN-gb locale):
const DateTimeStyles DATE_TIME_STYLES = DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault |
The more I think about this the more I think it's a bad solution but given you're getting no other answers I'll post it anyway.
DateTime temp;
DateTime.TryParse(input, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, DATE_TIME_STYLES, out temp);
if (temp.Year == DateTime.Now.Year)
if (!input.Contains(DateTime.Now.Year))
if (temp.Days != int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().SubString(2)))
// my god that's gross but it tells you if the day is equal to the last two
// digits of the current year, if that's the case make sure that value occurs
// twice, if it doesn't then we know that no year was specified
Also, as others have suggested in comments now, checking the number of tokens or the strings length could also be useful like;
char[] delims = new char[] { '/', '\', '-', ' '); //are there really any others?
bool yearFound = false;
foreach (char delim in delims)
if (input.Split(delim).Count == 3)
yearFound = true;
if (yearFound)
// error
These are just a couple of ideas, neither is truly sound. They're obviously both hacks, only you can know if they'll suffice. At least they beat your co-workers if (dt.Year == 2014) //discard input