How to convert following Java implementation into Haskell?
The major purpose here is having a list that contains various elements which are sub-type of a particular in
This is possible but probably not desirable. There is such language extension as 'existential types' that allows dynamic polymorphism.
The idea of existential type is following:
data Foo = Foo a
Note that type variable "a" doesn't appear on the left side of ADT declaration. Simple example of possible implementation of dynamic polymorphic list and map function:
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, Rank2Types, GADTs, ConstraintKinds #-}
import Data.Constraint
-- List datatype:
data PList α where
Nil ∷ PList α
(:*) ∷ α a ⇒ a → PList α → PList α
infixr 6 :*
-- Polymorphic map:
pmap ∷ (∀ a. α a ⇒ a → b) → PList α → [b]
pmap _ Nil = []
pmap f (a :* t) = f a : pmap f t
main = let
-- Declare list of arbitrary typed values with overloaded instance Show:
l ∷ PList Show
l = "Truly polymorphic list " :* 'a' :* 1 :* (2, 2) :* Nil
in do
-- Map show to list:
print $ pmap show l
["\"Truly polymorphic list \"","'a'","1","(2,2)"]
Another example using this technique:
class Show a ⇒ Named a where
name ∷ a → String
instance Named Int where
name a = "I'm Int and my value is " ++ show a
instance Named Char where
name a = "I'm Char and my value is " ++ show a
main = let
-- Declare list of arbitrary typed values with overloaded instance Named:
l2 :: PList Named
l2 = 'a' :* (1 ∷ Int) :* Nil
in do
print $ pmap name l2
print $ pmap show l2
["I'm Char and my value is 'a'","I'm Int and my value is 1"]