I have some JavaScript code that works in IE containing the following:
myElement.innerText = \"foo\";
However, it seems that the \'innerTex
This has been my experience with innerText
, textContent
, innerHTML
, and value:
// elem.innerText = changeVal; // works on ie but not on ff or ch
// elem.setAttribute("innerText", changeVal); // works on ie but not ff or ch
// elem.textContent = changeVal; // works on ie but not ff or ch
// elem.setAttribute("textContent", changeVal); // does not work on ie ff or ch
// elem.innerHTML = changeVal; // ie causes error - doesn't work in ff or ch
// elem.setAttribute("innerHTML", changeVal); //ie causes error doesn't work in ff or ch
elem.value = changeVal; // works in ie and ff -- see note 2 on ch
// elem.setAttribute("value", changeVal); // ie works; see note 1 on ff and note 2 on ch
ie = internet explorer, ff = firefox, ch = google chrome.
note 1: ff works until after value is deleted with backspace - see note by Ray Vega above.
note 2: works somewhat in chrome - after update it is unchanged then you click away and click back into the field and the value appears.
The best of the lot is elem.value = changeVal
; which I did not comment out above.