I have a pandas dataframe containing a record of lightning strikes with timestamps and global positions in the following format:
Index Date Time
This answer might not be very efficient. I'm facing a very similar problem and am currently looking for something more efficient than what I do because it still takes one hour to compute on my dataframe (600k rows).
I first suggest you don't even think about using for
loops like you do. You might not be able to avoid one (which is what I do using apply
), but the second can (must) be vectorized.
The idea of this technique is to create a new column in the dataframe storing whether there is another strike nearby (temporarly and spatially).
First let's create a function calculating (with numpy
package) the distances between one strike (reference
) and all the others:
def get_distance(reference,other_strikes):
radius = 6371.00085 #radius of the earth
# Get lats and longs in radians, then compute deltas:
lat1 = np.radians(other_strikes.Lat)
lat2 = np.radians(reference[0])
dLat = lat2-lat1
dLon = np.radians(reference[1]) - np.radians(other_strikes.Lon)
# And compute the distance (in km)
a = np.sin(dLat / 2.0) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dLon / 2.0) ** 2
return 2 * np.arcsin(np.minimum(1, np.sqrt(a))) * radius
Then create a function that will check whether, for one given strike, there is at least another nearby:
def is_there_a_strike_nearby(date_ref, lat_ref, long_ref, delta_t, delta_d, other_strikes):
dmin = date_ref - np.timedelta64(delta_t,'D')
dmax = date_ref + np.timedelta64(delta_t,'D')
#Let's first find all strikes within a temporal range
ind = other_strikes.Date.searchsorted([date_ref-delta_t,date_ref+delta_t])
nearby_strikes = other_strikes.loc[ind[0]:ind[1]-1].copy()
if len(nearby_strikes) == 0:
return False
#Let's compute spatial distance now:
nearby_strikes['distance'] = get_distance([lat_ref,long_ref], nearby_strikes[['Lat','Lon']])
nearby_strikes = nearby_strikes[nearby_strikes['distance']<=delta_d]
return (len(nearbystrikes)>0)
Now that all your functions are ready, you can use apply
on your dataframe:
data['presence of nearby strike'] = data[['Date','Lat','Lon']].apply(lambda x: is_there_a_strike_nearby(x['Date'],x['Lat'],x['Long'], delta_t, delta_d,data)
And that's it, you have now created a new column in your dataframe that indicates whether your strike is isolated (False
) or not (True
), creating your new dataframe from this is easy.
The problem of this method is that it still is long to turn. There are ways to make it faster, for instance change is_there_a_strike_nearby
to take as other arguments your data
sorted by lat and long, and using other searchsorted
to filter over Lat
and Long
before computing the distance (for instance if you want the strikes within a range of 10km, you can filter with a delta_Lat
of 0.09).
Any feedback over this method is more than welcome!