How to convert (cast) Object to Array without Class Name prefix in PHP?
class Teste{
private $a;
private $b;
function __construct($a, $b) {
From the manual:
If an object is converted to an array, the result is an array whose elements are the object's properties. The keys are the member variable names, with a few notable exceptions: integer properties are unaccessible; private variables have the class name prepended to the variable name; protected variables have a '*' prepended to the variable name. These prepended values have null bytes on either side. This can result in some unexpected behaviour:
You can therefore work around the issue like this:
$temp = (array)(new Teste('foo','bar'));
$array = array();
foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
$k = preg_match('/^\x00(?:.*?)\x00(.+)/', $k, $matches) ? $matches[1] : $k;
$array[$k] = $v;
It does seem odd that there is no way to control/disable this behaviour, since there is no risk of collisions.